Name: Carolin Gabbert

Position/Title: PhD Student

Address: University of Lübeck and University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
BMF, Building 67, Room 57.00
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23538 Lübeck

Phone: +49-451-31018239

08 / 2021 – present: PhD Thesis at the Institute of Neurogenetics – University of Lübeck Topic Thesis: Genetic and environmental factors that modify age at onset and disease progression in Parkinson’s disease.

10 / 2018 – 01 / 2021: Master of Science at the University of Lübeck. Master’s program: Molecular Life Science (Main focus: Neuroscience). Topic Thesis: Investigation of genetic and environmental modifiers of LRRK2 parkinsonism.

10 / 2015 – 12 / 2018:
Bachelor of Science University of Lübeck
Bachelor’s program: Molecular Life Science. Topic Thesis: Development of a qPCR-based verification of TSPAN7, MSMB and CPA6 transcripts.

03 / 2021 – 05 / 2023: Teaching assistant in consolidation course Institute of Neurogenetics – University of Lübeck. Topic: Third generation sequencing.

02 / 2021 – 07 / 2021: Research assistant
Institute of Neurogenetics – University of Lübeck. Project: MDSGene PD gene curation.
01 / 2020 – 03 / 2020:
Internship in the field of Virology Heinrich Pette Institute – Quantitative and Molecular Virology Project: Dynamics of herpesvirus morphogenesis.

10 / 2019 – 12 / 2019: Internship in the field of Neuroscience and Behavior Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences –University of Edinburgh
Project: Hierarchy in rat model of fragile X syndrome.

04 / 2017 – 07 / 2017: Student supervisor of practical courses
Institute of Chemistry and Metabolomics – University of Lübeck
Practical course of organic chemistry with focus on UV-Vis-Spectroscopy.

2023: Invited to be reviewer for: Journal of the Neurological Sciences

2023: Co-reviewer for: Nature Reviews Neurology, Annals of Neurology

2022 – present: Associated member of the cluster of excellence
Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)

2021: Invited to be reviewer for: Movement Disorders

2023: International meeting of the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson’s
Disease consortium (Antwerp)

2022: Neuro week German Society of Neurology (Berlin)

2022: International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders (Madrid)

2022: European Human Genetics Conference (Vienna)

2022: London Calling 2022 (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) (Digital)

2021: International Movement Disorder Society Virtual Congress (Digital)

2021: London Calling 2021 (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) (Digital)

2020: Annual meeting of the Association of Gene Diagnostics (Digital)

2022: Young Investigator Fund from the German Society of Neurology Registration fee

2022: Poster prize at the Neuro week 2022 by the German Society of

  • Leonie Blöbaum (former MSc student)
    Description: Co-supervisor of Master’s thesis
  • Panna Lajer (former Erasmus student)
    Description: Co-supervisor for Erasmus+ internship
  • Beke Kolms (former MSc student)
    Description: Co-supervisor for Molecular Life Science internship practical studies
  • Grant writing workshop – Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)
  • Introduction to statistical programming with R
  • Bioinformatics for Biologists: An Introduction to Linux, Bash Scripting, and R
  • Gabbert C, Shambetova C, Much C, Trinh J, Klein C. RAB32 Variants in a German Parkinson's Disease Cohort. Mov Disord 2024;in press.
  • Gabbert C, Klein C, Trinh J. How Do I Report Genes in a Paper? Mov Disord Clin Pract 2024;in press.
  • Gabbert C, Blöbaum L, Lüth T, König IR, Caliebe A, Sendel S, Björn-Hergen L, Klein C, Trinh J. The combined effect of lifestyle factors and polygenic scores on age at onset in Parkinson's disease. medRxiv 2024;in press.
  • Lüth T, Gabbert C, Koch S, König IR, Caliebe A, Laabs BH, Hentati F, Sassi SB, Amouri R, Spielmann M, Klein C, Grünewald A, Farrer MJ, Trinh J. Interaction of Mitochondrial Polygenic Score and Lifestyle Factors in LRRK2 p.Gly2019Ser Parkinsonism. Mov Disord 2023;10:1837-1849.
  • Gabbert C, Schaake S, Lüth T, Much C, Klein C, Aasly JO, Farrer MJ, Trinh J. GBA1 in Parkinson's disease: variant detection and pathogenicity scoring matters. BMC Genomics 2023;1:322.
  • Gabbert C, König IR, Lüth T, Kasten M, Grünewald A, Klein C, Trinh J. Lifestyle factors and clinical severity of Parkinson's disease. Sci Rep 2023;1:9537.
  • Garcia-Font N, Mitchell-Heggs R, Saxena K, Gabbert C, Taylor G, Mastroberadino G, Spooner PA, Gobbo F, Dabrowska JK, Chattarji S, Kind PC, Schultz SR, Morris RGM. Ca2+ imaging of self and other in medial prefrontal cortex during social dominance interactions in a tube test. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022;31:e2107942119.
  • Lange LM, Gonzalez-Latapi P, Rajalingam R, Tijssen MAJ, Ebrahimi-Fakhari D, Gabbert C, Ganos C, Ghosh R, Kumar KR, Lang AE, Rossi M, van der Veen S, van de Warrenburg B, Warner T, Lohmann K, Klein C, Marras C, on behalf of the Task Force on Genetic Nomenclature in Movement Disorders. Nomenclature of Genetic Movement Disorders: Recommendations of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Task Force – An Update. Mov Disord 2022;5:905-935.
  • Gabbert C, König IR, Lüth T, Kolms B, Kasten M, Vollstedt EJ, Balck A, Grünewald A, Klein C, Trinh J. Coffee, smoking and aspirin are associated with age at onset in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. J Neurol 2022;8:4195-4203.